F.U.E Method
Method FUE
ollicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a less intrusive hair transplant method. Neither stitches are needed nor lancets. Additionally, it doesn’t leave any scars.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a less intrusive hair transplant method. Neither stitches are needed nor lancets. Additionally, it doesn’t leave any scars. For the extraction of the pouch units our surgeons use tools, specially designed for micro-surgery so to be able to take the pouch units off, one by one. In this way, skin injuries are avoided.
The placement of the units is done both by special blades and by our original implanter . Our surgeons are very well trained in all techniques and they can adjust the surgical protocol to every case.
With Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique the most natural result can be achieved. Transplanted hair will look natural and you are going to feel it as part of the rest of your hair. Our techniques provoke a minimal trauma on the head since they don’t leave any scar. Even with magnifying lenses it is impossible to distinguish transplanted hair from the natural hair.
With Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) you gain 30% more density with the same amount of grafts.
- The result is completely natural because with Follicular Unit Extraction it’s the hair follicles which are transferred not the grafts.
- With Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), you can perfectly define where the placement is going to take place, something very important for a natural hair growth.
- We can place up to 100 hairs per square centimeter and up to 10.000 hairs per visit.
- With Follicular Unit Extraction the depth of the placement of the pouches is controlled. Plus, the procedure is painless.
- There is no pain or distortion through the whole procedure.
- The recovery of the area where the pouches have been put is amazingly quick. After three days every scar or blotch disappears. Our customer will be in the able to return to his work the day after the treatment.

You can also request Online diagnosis and one of our scientific advisors will contact you to give you the necessary information so as to solve the problem of hair loss. See our clients hair transplant result section results.